Government + Corporate Consultants


Mature  from "Great" to "Exceptional"


Excellence Exceeded Consultants LLC emerged from the desire to take "ordinary" or "average" practices and policies to the next level. Through experience with cutting-edge ingenuity and adaptive positioning, our team strives to dissect every facet of your issue to develop a bespoke solution that allows you to surpass your goals.

Founded by a diverse, yet complimentary, group of professionals, Excellence Exceeded provides the services necessary for success. Consisting of an MPA, MBA, Professional Engineer (P.E.) and a Marketing Specialist, our Executive Leadership team has served at the local, state, and national levels of government, as well as in the private sector.

With well over a hundred years of combined experience we offer a foundation that's unsurpassed while focusing on innovation.Each individual engagement gets our maximum attention, with every detail being examined. Our background, knowledge, and proven track record gets results.


Get in touch

We at Excellence Exceeded know that there are some problems more complex than expected, or may not even be fully realized. That’s why we offer consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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