Government + Corporate Consultants


Where Government + Corporate Entities Find Success.

What We Offer


Organizational Efficiency

Culture Improvement 
Our proven methods create an immediate environment of collaboration by removing bias and conflict which leads to higher morale and increased productivity.

Executive Search + Vetting 
From setting qualifications and writing the solicitation to locating and interviewing the perfect leader for your organization.

Human Resources Management Solutions + Investigations
Any and all HR functions can be analyzed and recommendations can be given for improvement. Investigations include but are not limited to workplace harassment, policy violations, and non criminal disciplinary actions.

Interim + Temporary Manager Services
Let an experienced member of our staff lead your organization while we conduct the search for the perfect permanent solution. (Based on Availability)

Management + Leadership Training
We provide training for employees at all levels. Whether you are preparing your staff for future leadership roles or just giving your executives a little refresher, our classes fit the bill. We offer half day and full day workshops in addition to 40 hour blocks of instruction. Our topics include Managing the Marginal Employee, Creating Unity in a World of Diversity, The INTERNAL Leadership Model, Making Motivation work to your Advantage, Generations in the Workplace:Managing Through the Ages, and Essential Skills for Professional Management.

Management Assessments + Audits
Get the most out of your Management team. One of our experienced  leaders will observe the day to day management activities and will offer insights that are sure to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Policy Creation + Review
From combining your current policies to create a comprehensive manual to starting from scratch, our experienced policy writers can create living documents that protect both the employee and the organization,.

Performance Appraisals
Employee expectations and management feedback are essential for successful organizations. Our team can create a functional appraisal system to fit any need.

Operations Review
If you're asking how you could make your team more efficient, an operations review by us is the answer. One of our experienced consultants will analyze all facets of your organization to identify areas of improvement.

Organizational Analysis
This comprehensive view is the first step to  having your organization exceed excellence. An experienced member of our team will analyze current practices to identify paths for improvement.

Space and Use Assessments
Office space and use can be tricky. Our team can put the right people in the right places to achieve maximum efficiency while reducing cost.

Staff Restructuring
Personnel costs are typically the largest part of any budget. Let a member of our team identify ways to reduce staff by merging jobs and eliminating redundant services.


Broadband Deployment
Fiber optic networks are the infrastructure of the future. Our team can help your government get into the "Broadband Business". From design, to build out, to operation, our experts can help.

GIS Development
Geographic Information Systems are rapidly becoming a necessity for local governments. Whether you intend to start, expand, or outsource services, a member of our team can guide you through the process.

IT Solutions
It is impossible to excel in today's society without technology. Our skilled team can identify resources to help with everything from setting up desktop support to voice over internet protocol.

Security Assessments
Cyber attacks are very costly ventures. Allow a member of our team to schedule an assessment to determine your vulnerability and to recommend steps to prevent future attacks.


Bond Rating Improvement Strategies
Many factors are taken into consideration when the rating agencies are determine the credit worthiness of government organizations. Let our team make policy recommendations and examine financial practices to show you how we achieved that coveted AAA.

Budget Formation
Budgeting is much more complicated than balancing revenues to expenditures. Our experienced consultants can assist with you budget formation to insure services and products are being delivered at the absolute best cost.

Procurement Processes
How you obtain goods and services are as important as using them. Our team can determine the best procurement process for you organization which is sure to save money. From writing RFP's and RFQ's to soliciting formal bids, we can help.

Salary + Compensation Studies
Hiring and retaining the best talent is a critical task. You can avoid costly retraining by remaining competitive in your field. Our salary and compensation studies insure your salary and benefits are in line with your competitors or benchmark agencies.

Service Delivery Strategy (LOST) Negotiations (Georgia Governments Only)
SDS negotiations between cities and counties can be contentious at times. Our proven data driven methods insure that distributions are fair and equitable. A member of our team will provide your local government with both the tools and strategies necessary to get the most out of the negotiation. A member of our team will actually participate in the negotiations as well if requested.

SPLOST (Sales Tax Distribution) Negotiations (Georgia Governments Only)
The SPECIAL PURPOSE LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX  is an important funding tool for local governments to complete capital projects. Getting your fair share can be tricky. Let a member of our experienced team help with your next negotiations.

Public Safety

Expert Witness Testimony
With over 25 years of distinguished Law Enforcement and Firefighting experience, a member of our team can review all public safety related lawsuits and provide expert testimony as needed.

ISO Rating Improvements
ISO ratings for governments mean safer communities and reduced insurance costs. Our team has successfully achieved a Class 1 rating and can show you the steps necessary to get there.

Public Safety Efficiency Analysis
Providing for the safety of your citizens is a governments number one priority. It is also usually the most costly expenditure. Let us find ways to make your community safer while reducing costs.

Use of Force Investigations + Opinions
The use of force by law enforcement officers can be a controversial matter. Let our experts review your UOF cases and provide opinions on their reasonableness and justifications.

Capital Improvements

Capital Improvement Planning + Deployment
Having a plan for capital improvements is vital for any government. Being able to bring those projects in at or under budget is also vital. Our team can assist with the formation of capital project lists, cost takeoffs, deployment schedules.

Infrastructure Solutions
If its in your right of way, we can help you plan to install and maintain it. Our team has experience in everything from water projects to traffic solutions to storm water management and more!

Public/Private Partnerships
Whether you are a developer or a government entity, let us show you how to accomplish win/win scenarios that are sure to enhance your community.

Road Construction Estimates
Road construction can be a costly and time consuming venture. Let a member of our team provide initial cost estimates and time lines  for planning and budgeting purposes.

Legal requirements + Advocacy

Charter Amendments
Let our years of experience and knowledge make the most out of your organizational structure. Our team can assist with everything from minor amendments to complete government restructuring.  

Legislative and State Department Lobbying (Georgia and Federal Only)
Let a member of our staff or one of our strategic partners be your voice in Atlanta or Washington. From the Georgia Legislature to Congress, and every department in between, we've made the connections necessary to have your voice heard. 

Ordinance Creation + Review
Local ordinances are the law of the land for citizens at the city and county level. Let a member of our knowledgeable staff review your current ordinances and/or offer suggestions for new ones to keep your community up to date. 

Public Records Education
Open government is not only a law, the citizens deserve it. Let us show you how to be as transparent as possible while remaining in full compliance of the Open Records Act.